Spanish level test

What level of Spanish do I have?
One of the most common doubts of our Spanish students before starting a course is the level of Spanish they have. If you want to know your Spanish level take our Spanish proficiency test, it is very complete and the result is the level that you are prepared for. Take the test of 50 questions and get the answer straight away. Good luck!
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Spanish test A1
Your result will be A1 if you have not studied Spanish before or have excessively basic knowledge
Spanish test A2
You can take level A2 if, for example:
You are able to give basic information about yourself.
You can talk about hobbies and abilities.
In general, you will have sufficient level to understand the most frequent expressions and to be able to carry on a very elementary conversation with a speaker who is willing to speak slowly and clearly.
Spanish test B1
You can take level B1 if, for example:
You can talk about an action that is happening at that moment.
You are able to talk about specific actions in the past.
You can propose plans and accept or reject them.
You ask or give permission to do something.
When you start, you will be able to deal with a specific area that interests you with an elemental ease.
Spanish test B2
You can take level B2 if, for example:
You are able to tell stories in the past.
You ask or give permission to do something
You can tell a third person what another has said.
You can make a complete description.
By starting this level, you will be able to cope with situations beyond your personal sphere and you will be able to actively participate in situations of language exchange in the public sphere.
Your result will be B2 if for example:
Express hypothetical situations
Tell stories in the past
Make warnings
With this level you can cope with any situation, even in a basic way, beyond specific places and situations for Spanish students
Spanish test C1
You can take level C1 if, for example:
You can give advice and suggestions.
Talk to a third person about what another has said.
You can make an accurate description of something.
You can give warnings
Express hypothetical situations.
You can write texts of a certain length with a high level of correction.
At the beginning of this level you will be able to cope with almost any situation, even if you still make mistakes when expressing yourself through complex structures or in situations that involve a language register that deviates from the standard one.
You can will be C2 if, for example:
You can write long and complex texts with a high level of coherence, cohesion and correctness.
You are able to communicate with a high degree of fluency and solving any lack of vocabulary without your interlocutor noticing.
You can choose the right word without having to interrupt the speech.
You use the language in an orthodox way, demonstrating that you know the rules of coherence and cohesion
By starting this level, you will already have a deep knowledge of the language in different fields and will be able to interact with native speakers in almost all kinds of contexts.
How many levels are there in Spanish language?
In Spanish language teaching we have 6 levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2)