General conditions


Select “Check your price and book” and design your stay at Debla by selecting your preferred course as well as your accommodation type and airport shuttle-service (if required). Complete the dates, your personal details and submit the form. In this moment
you have different options:

  • you may choose not to pay anything; in that case we will send you a confirmation with payment instructions.
  • you may pay a 100€ deposit and we send you a confirmation once we receive the payment. The deposit paid will be deducted from the total invoice.
  • you may pay the whole amount by credit card.
  • you may choose to pay via bank-transfer. Any bank charges will be incurred by the student.

Once we have received the payment we shall send you all necessary information regarding your course and accommodation. We will send you a payment confirmation e-mail on receipt of the payment.

In order to guarantee your accommodation, it must be paid in full with an advance of min. 2 weeks before your arrival (by bank transfer or credit card).

Bank details

Cuenta: ES2020858155940330506522

Payment terms: The final payment should be made by bank-transfer before the course starts or on the first day of the course by cash or credit card.


The school should be notified of any cancellation in writing. The date of the e-mail will determine the cancellation date.

If you decide to cancel your course the cancellation conditions are as follows:

  1. More than 30 days before the course starts we refund 100% of the amount paid (course and accommodation) minus an administration fee of 60€.
  2. Between 30 and 15 days before the course starts we refund 75% of the amount paid (course and accommodation) minus an administration fee of 60€.
  3. Between 15 and 6 days before the course starts we refund 50% of the amount paid (only for the course not for the accommodation) minus an administrative fee of 60€.
  4. Less than 6 days before the course starts we do not refund any amount paid.

In any of the options, you can postpone the course without any cost up to 7 days before the start of the course. Once the course has started, Debla will not refund any payment paid for the course or accommodation.


Debla guarantees the realization of all Spanish courses offered.

Debla guarantees that face-to-face classes are taught strictly in compliance with the measures that the Public Authorities have ordered (cleanness, distance, etc.). This provision will be applicable to any other analogous health or safety emergency situation.

If these rules could not be complied in case of necessity or if the Authorities adopt any measure of confinement and / or cessation of economic activity, Debla may replace completely, or partially, the face-to-face classes and turn them into online classes, without implying any modification in the price of the course.

The change of modality from face-to-face to online classes based on the previous circumstances, or on causes of force majeure, will not suppose any variation in the fees to be paid by the student. These circumstances have been taken into account when establishing the price of the course.

The Student declares that he/she has been informed of the Anti Covid Protocol implemented by Debla, and of the obligations established for it. The student accepts to to comply with these rules, and accepts that the compliance is an essential condition to be able to access Debla.

In any case, the student will be responsible for going to the center provided with the means of protection established by the health authorities ( masks, etc). Debla may establish additional protection measures to those required by the authorities (Gloves, etc.). The acquisition and use of them will be the responsibility of the Student.

Debla may deny access to its facilities to any student who does not comply with the protection measures.


The school offers health and travel cancellation insurance for an additional cost.

Environmental policy

Global warming is no longer a problem of the future, it’s a situation we need to stop now. We see Environmental Protection as a great responsibility, and we safeguard the environment through concrete actions and objectives based around sustainability in all functions and areas of our activities. Protecting the environment demands responsible commitments from us all.

Our environmental commitment

These are the main actions being carried out by Debla in order to protect the environment:

· Commitment to continuous improvement and pollution prevention. We are constantly developing and implementing environmental and quality objectives and goals through the setting of annual targets.

· Commitment to environmental fulfilment. We guarantee the fulfilment of current environmental legislation applicable to our activities and geographical location, as well as all environmental requirements to which the organisation subscribes.

· Management and reduction of waste. We classify and correctly manage urban waste (organic material, cardboard, glass, paper) and dangerous waste in line with current legislation. We are increasing our energy savings and reducing our water consumption, two key areas in our environmental protection policy.

· We encourage the active participation of our suppliers, employees and guests in educational and environmental awareness actions, encouraging suggestions for improvement in the area of environmental protection.

· We constantly revise and audit our management, quality and sustainability plans and systems.

The combination of all these measures is the key to our corporate and business success.

We invite you to participate in our environmental actions.

For more information contact the school: [email protected].